Christmas 2014

Christmas came around so quickly this year! It was October, then I blinked and it was Christmas Eve. This was Alexander's first 'proper' Christmas, last Christmas he had a wonderful time but didn't really 'get' Santa and what Christmas day was all about. So the lead up to the day was almost as exciting as the day itself. We made a gingerbread house together, and he wrote a letter to Santa telling him what he wanted - "Hello Santa. I want Lego. Alex." Brief and to the point (well, it has to be as he's learning to write). He placed it on the table with a mince pie and glass of cognac for Santa (catering to 'our' Santa's British tastes - wink wink). He also helped me to put up the decorations, including these two stockings I made for him and Alice.


So without a further ado here is a random collection of snapshots from Christmas day at Down Grapevine Lane headquarters. Everyone loved their presents, though the turkey and trimmings lunch that I slaved over all morning was a bit of a flop with the children and they both insisted on having peanut butter sandwiches instead. Kids!!


There were two Christmas miracles this year. I am actually in some of the photos, and I managed to pull off a 3 hour nap after lunch. Miracle indeed!


        (cutest Santa, who had to be bribed with a gingerbread man to pose for the photos)

Those of you who celebrate Christmas, hope you had a great one with your loved ones! Wishing everyone a merry christmas and a happy and healthy 2015.


As for Christmas crafting - I have been working on the Christmas celebration sampler by The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery. It's gorgeous! I can't wait to share the finished picture with you - I just need to find a frame for it.


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  1. Beautiful photos and lovely family Sedef! Have a wonderful new year! x

