Down the Rabbit Hole...

The November issue of Homespun magazine is out today! Featuring my third project for them: a set of Wonderland hoop art.

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The editor's intro made me giggle - it says:

"The time has come," Sedef Imer said, "to stitch up Alice things: the queen of hearts and her royal guards, and mad hatter in Wonderland rings." (with apologies to Lewis Carroll)

Great rhyming there Homespun!
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The feature has a full step by step tutorial over 10 pages. The characters are felt applique and entirely hand-sewn. There is some light padding behind the felt pieces to give the hoops a 3D finish.

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I showed my picture in the magazine to Alexander, who said: "Mummy! How did you get into the book?! Am I in the book? I want my picture in the book too!!" (cue tantrum - oh the joys of three year olds). Bless him.

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If you would like to make your own Alice hoops, Homespun's November issue is available in the shops from today (also available digitally for those outside of Australia, in various formats including Zinio. Follow this link).

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ps - If you like this project, you may want to check out my Little Red felt applique which was posted here in April 2014.


  1. Congrats on being published again! They are so cute!

  2. These are fantastic Sedef! I have a friend who is Alice-mad, so I may just have to run out and find the mag and make some for her birthday! thanks :)

