Things for boys - part 3

Today I want to share with you my final project in the 'Things for Boys' series (you can read parts 1 and 2 here and here). This time I made a padded bunting with a nautical theme for a friend's son, a little boy called Darcy.

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I made my first bunting when I was pregnant with Alice and had the nesting urge BIG TIME. I was such a rookie sewist then. Alice's bunting looks great but at the time I wished the flags were a bit more substantial in size and were a little less 'floppy'. So when I was making a quilted mat recently I thought it would be fantastic to apply the same principle to bunting - make it with wadding I mean. I don't know why more people don't do the flags this way, I think the end product looks ten times better and hangs much nicer too, just with the addition of a layer of thick wadding in the middle.

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It took me half a dozen tries to get the right level of 'puffiness' but I got there. Here are the flags all finished and ready for binding.

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I appliqued the letters with Heat n' Bond and then machine appliqued around each letter / shape. The applique was done last (ie after the flags were constructed) so the letters really 'puff' out. The name on its own seemed a bit lonely so I added a couple of bookend flags with a boat and a lighthouse to finish it off.

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I am so pleased with the end result, I will start taking custom orders in the shop soon. I also have several other boy sets planned, and of course, some gorgeous girl sets will be available as well. Hope you like them!

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  1. Seriously Sedef. You blow me away! Every. Single. Time!

  2. Each piece looks absolutely stunning Sedef. Well done!

  3. There's no end to your talents Sedef. Your work is so very neat and always looks perfect. I'm sure the recipient of this gorgeous bunting will be super delighted with it!!

  4. Beautiful work as always Sedef. Love your creativity and your sewing is perfect! :)

  5. That's beautiful! I love the padded lovely!

    1. It's good isn't it? I wasn't sure if it would look OK but I love it!

  6. Beautiful! Such a great design and perfect for boys. You're right, the wadding looks great, well done you clever stick! :)

    S x

