Alexander 'the little' turns two

Today is my little man's second birthday. I can't believe it has been two years since he arrived into our lives and changed it forever. The hardest two years of our life - but also by far the most precious and rewarding. Words cannot begin to describe how much we love this little guy.

His main present was a quiet book I made for him out of felt - he is playing with it already but the pages are still loose. I need to sew them together into a book before I share all the pictures with you (here are the Very Hungry Caterpillar pages which are a particular favourite). It gives me such a sense of satisfaction watching him play with something I have made from scratch.

Happy birthday my gorgeous Alexander! I can't believe how much you have grown this last year, and the amazing little person you have turned into... You are definitely my favourite son!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Alexander! I love the quiet book pages. My 2yo is a huge VHC fan and would LOVE to play with that.

